Welcome to Property Move Estates Online Tenancy Application System.
All applications are subject to Landlords approval, references and contract.
By submitting your information on this form, you are agreeing to it being used in a Tenancy reference check, which will include obtaining your credit data and also applying to your employer and/or your current/previous Landlords for information.
Each tenant over the age of 18 must complete an application form.
Before presenting the offer to the Landlord, we are required by law to carry out a Right to Rent check. Under Section 22 of the Immigration Act 2014 Landlords and Agents are responsible for checking that all tenants and occupiers have the “Right to Rent” in the UK.
As part of your Tenancy application, each adult occupier must provide their original passport so we can verify they are the passport holder and to obtain copies for our records. If you are unable to prove you have the “Right to Rent” we will not be able to accept your application.
Once the Landlord has agreed to your offer in principle, you will be required to pay the holding deposit equivalent to one weeks’ rent up to a maximum of £500.00. This will be required to be paid within 24 hours. The property remains on the market until the holding deposit has been received.
Landlords will usually have two weeks (14 days) to enter into a Tenancy agreement with a tenant once a holding deposit has been received. This is before the ‘deadline for agreement’, which is the 15th day after the holding deposit has been received.
In accordance with the Tenant Fees Act 2019, before you pay your holding deposit, we welcome you to contact us in regards to viewing a draft copy of your contract.
By submitting the application form you agree to have contact details to be stored. You can read our Privacy Policy Here for the full details on how we protect and manage your data.
Please note! Before you start to complete this application form make sure you have 3 forms of ID (1. Passport, 2. Driving licence, 3. Proof of address – copy of a bill) ready to upload as a JPEG file format.
Maximum recommended upload file size is 1.5MB however if your JPEG is larger than recommended size please use this website to reduce file size then upload the compressed version. You may also use to convert PDF files to JPEG.